"Be Energy Efficient, Cut Your Energy Cost "
Energy Audit
Energy Audit means the verification, monitoring and analysis of the use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost-benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption. Other than energy concern, the energy audit also helps in reducing fossil-fuel consumption and emission of harmful gases. An improvement in energy efficiency within your organization can potentially bring significant business benefits. With a focus on energy efficiency, we are providing energy audit services to help our clients in reducing energy consumption and energy cost. We are committed to giving the most promising solutions that improve energy efficiency and bring sustainability. Energy audit services are a key part of our dedicated energy efficiency services and the first step towards comprehensive energy management strategy of any organization.
We employ a systematic approach that goes beyond equipment efficiencies and estimates the overall system efficiencies of important processes and supporting utilities. This approach helps identify inefficiencies and hidden losses that may exist due to the design philosophy, system design, existing equipment design and/or operating practices.
Our energy audit:
- Establishes a energy consumption baseline using monthly energy usage
- Evaluates the energy consumption of various equipment’s/machines
- Power and fuel assessment study
- Compressed air system study
- Identifies ways to enhance operational efficiency and decrease maintenance costs
- Resolves occupant comfort issues.
- Identifies economically feasible ECMs
The output of energy audit is a technical report containing
- Detailed view of the current energy consumption pattern
- Performance evaluation, heat balance and identification of losses.
- Identify opportunities and create solutions to reduce energy use and hence energy cost.
- Financial analysis of each solution (Payback period or ROI)
Power and fuel assessment
Equipment energy efficiency study
Compressed air system study
Study includes:
- Performance assessment of the air compressor by Free Air Delivery(FAD) Test.
- Leakage test to identify and quantify the compressed air leakage.
- Identification of solutions to reduce the generating pressure, inlet air temperature and air leakages.